The Scottish Government is responsible for developing planning policy in Scotland but the implementation of that policy is primarily a local function. The responsibility for planning matters in the Scottish Borders, including the processing and determination of planning and related applications, rests with Scottish Borders Council (SBC).

Community Councils, such as Hawick, have a formal, statutory role in the planning system and must be consulted on a variety of issues. We receive planning applications from SBC periodically, and we have a sub-group of Community Council Members who consider those applications, using their local knowledge and provide comments for or against approval by SBC.

If you have a particular planning issue affecting you or your neighbourhood, please let us know, so that we can help highlight any concerns, in our planning application responses to SBC.
Remember, a planning application is never processed and determined by a single individual whether an elected Councillor or a Planning Officer. HCC is here to help you with any planning concerns.

For more information on SBC’s planning system, click on the link below:

Planning and building – Scottish Borders Council (